Bonding /artistic repair

This is the simplest, less invasive and cheapest way of aesthetic correction of imperfections relating to the shape and the size of the teeth in cases of breakings off, curves or spaces between them. The tooth is minimally filed and sometimes it is even not filed. After this, usually during a single visit to the dentist, the tooth is built up layer by layer with photopolymer until the desired form, size and colour are achieved.

Tooth whitening

Basically there are two types: for using in the dental office or at home. In both cases one and the same whitening agent is used but in different concentration and with different activation of the whitening process. Whitening is harmless and unpainful procedure where the side effect is the occurrence of tooth sensitivity in respect of warm and cold. This sensitivity lasts for a short period of time and in most cases there is no such sensitivity. Before the whitening process it is obligatory for the teeth to be cleaned and polished, and if the patient has tooth decay, the same shall be treated. The duration of the result is strictly individual and it depends on whether the patient eats colouring foods, drinks and cigarettes. Most often after 6 months to 1 year it is good to be performed a single refreshing procedure.


They represent ceramic flakes with thickness of 0.3 – 0.5 mm where by means of minimal filing of the teeth it is achieved a really good aesthetic result. They are used in the cases when there is space between the front teeth, spots or many fillings, orthodontic defects or breakings off of the teeth. When compared with the bonding, the effect lasts for a longer period of time and when compared with the whole crowns, the filing is less harmful for the teeth. During the first visit to the dentist, he takes a print of patient’s teeth for analysis and during the second visit he can already look for a wax model of the facets. If the patient approves it, temporary plastic facets will be made. These facets are placed on the teeth in order the patient to get a clear picture of the way the future facets will look like. Next time when he visits the dentist the ceramic facets will be ready and they can be cemented on the teeth.